Institute of Microelectronic Systems Research
ZIM D-Sense - Development of a Testing System for the Diagnosis of Sensorimotor Regulation Abilities in Athletes

ZIM D-Sense - Development of a Testing System for the Diagnosis of Sensorimotor Regulation Abilities in Athletes

Led by:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Blume
Team:  M.Sc. Fritz Webering
Year:  2017
Date:  30-03-17
Funding:  „Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand“ of the BMWi - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Duration:  2017-2019
Is Finished:  yes
Further information 3621

The sensorimotor system is the basis of human posture and movement control. If the sensorimotor system is changed by injuries, increasing age, or illness, the motor function of the human body can likewise be impaired.

The aim of the project is to develop a mobile diagnostics system which can be used to to assess the sensorimotor regulation abilities in athletes. The system should consist of multiple sensor units and allow the athlete or coach to quickly and precisely perform different functional sensorimotor tests. The sensor units can be placed at different points on or next to the subject's body, depending on the concrete test being performed. Also depending on the test, different algorithms are to be used for classifying and evaluating the measurements from the sensor units. A database helps the user to interpret the test results and provides reference values for risk assessments regarding injuries.